Nuclear Malaysia History

>> Saturday, March 31, 2012

Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia) has a role to introduce and promote the application of nuclear science and technology for national development.
           Established in 19 September 1972, Malaysian Nuclear Agency was then known as Centre for Application of Nuclear Malaysia (CRANE) before it was formally named as Tun Ismail Atomic Research Centre (PUSPATI).
          In June 1983, PUSPATI was placed under the patronage of Prime Minister Department and was called Nuclear Energy Unit (UTN). It was then placed under Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment in October 1990. In August 1994, its name was changed to Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT).
          On 28 September 2006, following its restructuring, MINT was given a new identity,which is Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia). Its strategic loction, near higher learning institutions, besides its close proximity to the National Administration Centre, Putrajaya, and the Multimedia Super Corridor, Cyberjaya, has stimulated Nuclear Malaysia to meet its aspirations.
          Malaysian NUclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia) is a reputable agency in research and development (R&D) in science and technology. Its presence is synonymous with the development, augmentation and advancement of nuclear science and technology in Malaysia.
         Since its establishment, Nuclear Malaysia has been given the responsibility to introduce and promote nuclear science and technology for national development, and until the present, Nuclear Malaysia maintains its significance as an outstanding organisation in science, technology and innovation.
          Nuclear Malaysia plays a pivotal role in providing quality and best-in-class research towards comprehensively generating new technologies to meet the needs of nuclear technology's variety of applications. This standing is acquired through profesional workforce training and discipline, well-planned infrastructure, and well-resourced research laboratories.
         To achieve excellence in R&D and services in nuclear technology, Nuclear Malaysia provides a conducive research environment to produce substantial achievement, a feat to be proud of.


Advantages Of Nuclear Power

>> Friday, March 30, 2012

Advantages Of Nuclear Power

  • Nuclear power plants are more efficient than ever before. New technology has made them more reliable (they break down less often) and safer. People for nuclear power argue that this is evidenced by more and more nations (such as China) building nuclear power plants.
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This is a contentious issue. Proponents of nuclear power argue that, as no coal or fossil fuels are burnt, no carbon dioxide is released into the air. However, uranium has to be mined and transported to the nuclear plant. Both these activities require burning of fuels, so carbon dioxide is released. Also, producing nuclear fuel from the uranium requires a lot of energy, which also contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases.
  • Although the initial cost of building nuclear plants is high, the running costs are relatively low.
  • One reason the costs are low is that nuclear plants need only a small amount of uranium to produce a lot of energy. In fact, if the cost of uranium doubled, costs would only be increased by 7%. 1 truck of uranium produces as much energy as 1000 trucks of coal!
  • Reduces dependence on foreign oils and natural gas (like biofuels). America, for instance, imports a lot of oil and natural gas from other countries. The price of these products is volatile, and change very quickly. If the price increases quickly, consumers have to pay more for their electricity (which they may not be able to afford). Building more nuclear power plants means that Americans will not be susceptible to price rises in oil and gas.
  • Nuclear wastes can be safely stored underground .


Nuclear Fusion Documentary


Nuclear Spent Fuel Management

>> Monday, March 5, 2012

The production of nuclear electricity results in the generation of spent fuel that requires safe, secure and efficient management National strategies for the management of spent fuel vary, ranging from reprocessing to direct disposal. This indicates that spent fuel is regarded differently by countries - as a resource by some and as a waste by others. Appropriate management of the resulting spent fuel is a key issue for the steady and sustainable growth of nuclear energy .For the example, at the end of 2005, 443 nuclear power reactors were operating in 30 countries worldwide, providing 16% of the global electricity supply. Over 10 000 t of heavy metal (t HM) are unloaded from these reactors each year, which will increase to ~11 500 t HM by 2010. This is the largest continuous source of civilian radioactive material being generated, and needs to be managed appropriately. At the moment most spent fuel is in storage at nuclear power plants, at a few centralized storage sites and at reprocessing facilities. Originally all spent fuel was expected to be reprocessed within a few years and the remaining fuel material recycled into new fuel. The waste from reprocessing was intended to be disposed of in geological repositories. The next steps towards the disposition of spent fuel are either reuse, through reprocessing, or disposal in geological repositories. Some countries are continuing the recycling route, while others have decided to regard the spent fuel as a waste intended for direct disposal .Because progress on implementing these strategies is slow in most countries; the amounts of spent fuel in storage are increasing. The prospect of a revival of the nuclear power industry in the next decades indicates that even more spent fuel could go into storage. On the other hand, spent fuel has been successfully and safely stored in wet and dry conditions for several decades without serious problems, but without decisions on more permanent solutions there could be the prospect of continued storage for times of up to and beyond one hundred years. The management of spent fuel is, for strategic, economic, safety and security reasons.

Reprocessing of spent fuel used

The used fuel dry storage process


About This Blog

We are students of Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN)

Currently taking Introduction to Nuclear Technology (MEHB513) under Assoc. Prof Ir Dr Nasri A. Hamid.

This blog is our project for this subject.

MEHB 513

Introduction to Nuclear Technology.
This course provides the introduction to Nuclear Technologies, beginning from the fundamental physics to its recent applications in power generation.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
1. Understand the fundamental concepts of nuclear physics, process flow and reactor theory.
2. Explain the nuclear fuel cycle and processes.
3. Understand the applications of nuclear technology in power generation.
4. Appreciate the hazards of radiation and understand the concept of nuclear reactor safety.

  © MEHB513 Nucl3art by Jihardist 2012

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